My animal lives in Australia in lakes, rivers, streams, and dirt banks. The dirt bank they live in is by water. They also live in a lake and they find a spot to hide because they are shy. They also live in slow streams and slow rivers. Their predators are crocodiles, people, dingoes, foxes, and pythons. This animal is going extinct from illegal hunting by people. They hunt for fur. They also are getting killed from their predators. They are also becoming extinct from droughts, bushfires, pollution, and trash. Platypus need fat logs and branches to be on. They need adequate water flows. They need to eat larvae, fish and worms. Platypus are becoming extinct from both humans and nature. Humans are killing them with guns. In nature humans mess up their habitat. It would change the environment if they go extinct because the platypus predator would not have food and die out and the animal that eats the platypus predator would not have food and that would continue. You could help by picking up trash and you can plant plants around their habitat. Picking up trash is important because a storm will move it to their area and it will kill them.